Thursday, September 04, 2008

Thoughts from my Studio

While reading the local newspaper this morning I saw the faces of three little children who gave their lives in combat that we might live. I say children as I cannot believe the youth that are serving our country, irregardless, of the circumstances, and to think they were soon to be coming home, seems like a nightmare rather than a news story.

I would love to open my newspaper just one day and read nothing but good news. The war is over and the troops are coming home, to all countries. People are learning to be able to survive on their own and have the freedom that a lot of us take for granted. Perhaps a side note would be that seniors would be given a raise in order that they can afford to live through our tough Canadian winters. I know at over a thousand dollars a drum to fill the oil tank it won't take long for Mother Nature to eat that up. So, what do they do, go without food or freeze.

I also perceive there is an election on the horizon, now that would be great news if all or even some of the major promises that were made were kept. Our schools, our health, our seniors, our planet all are being taken for granted.

On a happy note a special friend of mine has had her work accepted by a great Canadian magazine " A Needle Pulling Thread ", and I am so proud of her. I have watched her grow from when she was the infamous little beader to the now infamous silkribbon artist with beadwork as a highlight. Congratulations are one special lady.


Marie Alton said...

Thanks Sweetie!

I too saw the pics of the 3 youngsters who recently died in combat...the Highway of Heros is directly south of me here...about 2 kms south...and is too regularly travelled these days. What is awesome the number of people who turn out...and stand on the overpass pay their respects. At work yesterday I had to be on cash due to staff shortage...and I had a soldier come through my line...who is just about finished his leave and heading over there in ten days. This is his second tour ... and he knew some of the men who had been killed previously. He commented that they all know there is the possibility they won't make it back...but they go anyway. I wished him safe journey...and Good Luck. He said Thanks.

Pat Winter Gatherings said...

Dear Linda, I too wish just once the media would be filled with good news. Wars are settled, troops arriving home, Poor being fed and finding jobs and/or education,etc. Unfortunately, this is just a wish and dream for us now. This is why it is important to treat others well,smile often, and give what you can in any way you can. There is good out there, and each of us is responsible to find it, pass it on, and encourage it. It isn't always easy to smile when others in the world are so unfortunate,but if it is all we can do for now,it is better to be positive I think.
Your beautiful Comfort dolls arrived yesterday and with all the rain we have been getting for a week,your package was brimming with sunshine. Thank you so much for your continued support. The recipients are sure to share a smile when given one of your dolls.Thank you dear friend.

And way to go Marie!!!! I am so thrilled for her too.